Privacy policy

1. Preamble

Labaronne-Citaf, SAS registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Vienne proceeds to the processing of personal data (as defined below) within the scope of its activity.
The purpose of this “Privacy Policy” is to inform all the individuals involved, referred to below as “you, your” on how the company collects and uses personal data and on the means you have to control this use. This policy also aims to define the commitments made by the company Labaronne-Citaf concerning the respect of the principles of the European regulation n ° 2016/679, said General Regulation on Data Protection (GRDP) of a personal nature.
This policy does not apply to third party websites that may be mentioned on our websites.

2. Fields of Application

This Policy sets out the principles and guidelines for the protection of your personal data.
Labaronne-Citaf collects personal data online, by email or by paper; this Policy applies regardless of the method of collection or processing. The concept of personal data (“personal data”) refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is “identifiable” when it can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements specific to it.

3. Data collected

3.1 General

Personal data collected may include:

  • Last name and first name ;
  • Address ;
  • Function;
  • Personal vouchers: photocopy of identity card, photocopy of diplomas, passport, proof of address, bank statement, etc.
  • Mail address ;
  • Phone numbers ;
  • Any other Personal Data that may be relevant for the purposes set out below.

The personal data collected is however limited to data strictly necessary for the purposes set out in Article 4 below.
You are free to provide or not all or part of your personal data. No personal data is collected without you having voluntarily decided to give it. However, if you choose not to provide them, such a decision could prevent the achievement of the objectives described in Article 4 below.

3.2. Collection method and purpose
As stated above, you provide your personal data on a voluntary basis. This Privacy Policy is applicable regardless of the method of collection (online, by email or by paper). In case of online collection, this Privacy Policy will appear on the website of the company and, in case of collection by paper, you will be informed of the existence of this Privacy Policy.
Personal data are generally collected for the needs of the company’s business and in particular for:

  • Recruitment management;
  • Career management and employee training;
  • The management of the pay of employees;
  • Training for clients;
  • The management of the customer relationship and suppliers;
  • The management of the missions entrusted to him by his clients;
  • The realization of marketing or communication actions;
  • Management of the security of goods and people;
  • Management of communication tools (fixed telephony, mobile, e-mail) and information systems.

3.3 Conditions of treatment and storage of personal data
The “processing” of personal data includes the use, retention, registration, transfer, adaptation, analysis, modification, declaration, sharing and destruction of personal data depending on what is necessary in the light of the circumstances or legal requirements. All personal data collected is kept for a limited period of time depending on the purpose of the processing and only for the duration provided by the applicable legislation. The purposes and retention periods of each treatment are listed in the treatment register, available from the SII service. When they are no longer kept, the personal data are destroyed

3.4 Transfer of data
Labaronne-Citaf is authorized to provide to its interlocutors, partners and especially subcontractors who are brought to collaborate with it and located in the member countries of the European Union or not your personal data, and this in the strict respect of the finalities mentioned above. However, prior to the transfer of your personal data, Labaronne-Citaf ensures that these recipients comply with the requirements of the General Regulation on Data Protection (GRDP) regarding the protection of personal data or that the contractual measures intended to secure the transmission personal data has been adopted.
If Labaronne-Citaf learns that a third party uses or discloses personal data without complying with this Privacy Policy or in violation of applicable law, Labaronne-Citaf will take all reasonable measures to prevent or terminate such use or disclosure. You have the right to authorize Labaronne-Citaf to use your personal data for a purpose other than the original ones.

4. Right of access, rectification and erasure

Labaronne-Citaf has put in place appropriate personal data protection measures to ensure that personal data are used for the purposes described above and to ensure their accuracy and up-to-date. You have the right to access your personal data. In addition, you have the right to request the rectification, updating, portability or deletion of your personal data. You also have the right to obtain the communication of your personal data kept by Labaronne-Citaf. In addition, you also have a right to limit the processing of your personal data. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion by sending a letter by post or email with a copy of your identity card to the Data Protection Officer of our company.
Postal address:
Service RGPD
ZI Monplaisir – Rue du Champ de Courses
38780 Pont-Evêque

5. Security and recipients of data

Labaronne-Citaf takes care to protect and secure the personal data that you have chosen to communicate to it, to ensure their confidentiality and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

Labaronne-Citaf has taken physical, electronic and organizational safeguards to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access or dissemination, alteration or possible destruction of such personal data. However, despite the efforts of Labaronne-Citaf to protect your personal data, Labaronne-Citaf can not guarantee the infallibility of these security measures due to unavoidable risks that may occur during the transmission of personal data. All personal data is confidential, access is limited to providers and employees of Labaronne-Citaf who need it in the execution of their mission.

6. Conflict Resolution

Although Labaronne-Citaf has taken reasonable steps to protect personal data, no transmission or storage technology is completely foolproof. However, Labaronne-Citaf is anxious to guarantee the protection of personal data. If you have reason to believe that the security of your personal data has been compromised or misused, you are invited to contact Labaronne-Citaf at the following address: ZI Monplaisir – Rue du Champ de Courses- 38780 Pont-Eveque

Labaronne-Citaf will investigate complaints about the use and disclosure of personal data and will attempt to resolve them in accordance with the principles contained in this Privacy Policy.

7. Contact

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you can send an e-mail to the following address: Labaronne-Citaf – Service RGPD – ZI Monplaisir – Rue du Champ de Courses 38780 Pont-Eveque

8. Effective date and revision of the personal data protection policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated depending on the needs of Labaronne-Citaf and circumstances or if required by law.

Contact us
+33(0)4 74 31 40 40